Jl. Universitas No.21, Universitas Sumatera Utara ikm@usu.ac.id
Destanul Aulia, SKM., MBA., M.Ec., Ph.D.
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara
NIP. 197512282005011002 / NIDN. 0028127502

Research Area

Administration and Health Policy


Research Profile
Obtained a master's degree in economics and an MBA in health in 2003, while his Ph. D is obtained by focusing on medical tourism from a health economic perspective. Since then, the research has always been related to health economics, which is related to finance, marketing, human resources, and the health system's supply chain. Research objects include hospitals, health centers, a country's health system, and all health care providers. Currently involved with studies on stunting, resilience during Covid-19, and what never stops are studies related to medical tourism. Collaboration with several world researchers, such as from the UK, Thailand, and Indonesia, has been carried out to find health financing with a high concentration on the health economy. Studies related to farmers and fishermen are also of interest to researchers. Some of the articles that have been made are "The Impact of Medical Tourism as a Pressure to Change to Hospitals in Medan", "Analysis of Hospital Efforts in Covering Shortages of Indonesia Case Base Group Claim Costs (INA-CBGs) Calculated by the Activities Based Costing Method on Class C Private Hospital in Medan City", "Economic Load Analysis of Smoker and Non-Smoker Fisherman in Medan City", "Technical efficiency of pesticide application on tomato, chinese cabbage and cauliflower in Simpang Empat sub-district Karo Regency" and Analysis of forecasting malaria cases with climatic factors as predictors in Mandailing Natal Regency: a time series study.
Educational Background

Undergraduate Level

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Public Health

Master's Degree

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Business Administration in Health Management

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Health Economic


Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Public Health in Globalization

Selected Publication